If you lose your keys

New genuine Lexus keys can be made by your Lexus dealer using the other key and the key number stamped on your key number plate.

    See also:

    Glove box
    The glove box can be opened by pulling the lever and can be locked and unlocked by using the mechanical key. 1. Lock 2. Unlock 3. Open  - Glove box light The glove box light turns on whe ...

    Expanded voice commands
    Touching “On” next to “Expanded Voice Commands” on the “Voice Set- tings” screen enables voice command operation of the audio/video and air conditioning system. (See page 56.) For mor ...

    Talk on the Bluetooth phone
    While you are talking on the phone, this screen is displayed. You can do the operation below on the screen. To adjust the volume of the other party’s voice: Touch “–” or “+” or use t ...