Destination search

Lexus LX / Lexus LX Owners Manuals / Destination search

1 Press the “DEST” button.

2 This screen is displayed.

2 This screen is displayed.

●One of 11 different methods can be used to

●One of 11 different methods can be used to search a destination.


● When searching a destination, the response to the screen button may be slow.


The selected state (province) can be changed to set a destination from a dif- ferent state (province) by using “Address”, “Point of Interest” or “Intersection & Freeway”.

1 Touch “Change State/Province” to display a list of the states/provinces/ter- ritories of the United States and Cana- da.

● For map database information and

● For map database information and updates, see “MAP DATABASE VER- SION AND COVERAGE AREA”
● If a state (province) has not been selected yet, “Select State/Province” is displayed

2 Touch the desired state (province).

● The previous screen will be displayed.

● The previous screen will be displayed.


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Go Home”.

● Your home address is set as the destination.

● Your home address is set as the destination.

The navigation system performs a search for the route.

3 Touch “OK”.

● To use this function, it is necessary to set a home address.


● If a home address has not been regis- tered, a message confirming if it is desir- able to set a home will be displayed, and the setting screen will appear.
● Guidance starts from the current position to the set home address if “OK” is touched even while driving.


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch any of the preset destination but- tons (1-5) on the “Destination” screen.

● The selected preset destination point is set

● The selected preset destination point is set as the destination. The navigation system performs a search for the route.

3 Touch “OK”.

● To use this function, it is necessary to set preset destinations to the preset screen buttons (1-5).


● If a preset destination point has not been registered, a message confirming if it is desirable to set a preset destination will be displayed, and the setting screen will appear.
● Guidance starts from the current position to the preset destination point if “OK” is touched even while driving.


There are 2 methods to search a desti- nation by address:

(a) Search by city
(b) Search by street address

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Address” on the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch a screen button to select the de- sired search method.



1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Address” on the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch “City”.

4 Input a city name.

4 Input a city name.

5 Touch the screen button of the desired

5 Touch the screen button of the desired city name from the displayed list.

6 Input the street name and touch “OK”.

6 Input the street name and touch “OK”.

7 When the desired street name is found,

7 When the desired street name is found, touch the corresponding screen button.

• When the desired street name is

When the desired street name is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Con- firm Destination” screen, the navigation system performs a search for the route.

8 Input a house number.

•  If the same address exists in

  If the same address exists in more than one city, the current screen changes to the address list screen.


1 Touch “Last 5 Cities”.

2 Touch the screen button of the desired

2 Touch the screen button of the desired city name from the displayed list.

• The current screen changes to the

The current screen changes to the screen for inputting a street name.


● If the navigation system has never been used, this function will not be available.


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Address” on the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch “Street Address”.

4 Touch numbers directly on the screen

4 Touch numbers directly on the screen to input the house number.

●After inputting the house number, touch

●After inputting the house number, touch “OK” to display the screen for inputting the street name.

5 Input the street name and touch “OK”.

6 When the desired street name is found,

6 When the desired street name is found, touch the corresponding screen button.

●When the desired street name is selected,

●When the desired street name is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Con- firm Destination” screen, the navigation system performs a search for the route.
● If the same address exists in more than 1 city, a screen requesting the city name to be input or selected will be displayed.

 7 Input a city name.

8 Touch the screen button of the desired

8 Touch the screen button of the desired city name from the displayed list.



● A street name can be searched using only the body part of its name.
● For example: S WESTERN AVE
• A search can be performed by inputting “S WESTERN AVE”, “WESTERN AVE” or “WESTERN”.


There are 4 methods to search a desti- nation by Points of Interest:

(a) Search by name
(b) Search by category
(c) Search by phone #
(d) Search by eDestination

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen.
3 Touch a screen button to select the de- sired search method.



1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen.
3 Touch “Name” on the “Point of Interest” screen.
4 Input the name of the POI.

5 Touch the screen button of the desired

5 Touch the screen button of the desired destination.

•When the desired destination is

When the desired destination is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Con- firm Destination” screen, the navigation system performs a search for the route.
When inputting the name of a specific Point of Interest, and there are 2 or more sites with the same name, the list screen is dis- played.

6 Touch the screen button of the desired destination.

• If the same name exists in more than

If the same name exists in more than one city, a search can be performed more easily using “City” or “Category”.

The desired Point of Interest can be dis- played on the map screen.


● To search for a facility name using multi- ple search words, put a space between each word.


1 Touch “City”.

2 Input the city name.

2 Input the city name.

● To cancel the city setting, touch “Any City”.

● To cancel the city setting, touch “Any City”.

3 Touch the screen button of the desired city name from the displayed list.



1 Touch “Category”.

2 Touch the screen button of the desired

2 Touch the screen button of the desired category.

●  If the desired POI category is on the

●  If the desired POI category is on the screen, touch its screen button to display a detailed list of the POI category.
●  If the desired POI category is not on the screen, touch “List All Categories” to list all POI categories.

●  When the desired category is touched, the

●  When the desired category is touched, the POI name list screen is displayed.

SEARCH BY “Category”

The destination can be set by touching the search point and the POI category.

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen.
3 Touch “Category”.

4 This screen is displayed.

4 This screen is displayed.

● Set the search point by one of the following

● Set the search point by one of the following methods:
• Set the search point from near the current position
• Set the search point from along the selected route
• Set the search point from near a city cen- ter
• Set the search point from near a destina- tion


● The names of POIs located within approximately 200 miles (320 km) from the selected search point can be dis- played.


1 Touch “Near Here”.

● The search point is set at the current posi- tion, and the “POI Category” screen will be displayed.


1 Touch “Along My Route”.

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate- gory” screen will be displayed.


1 Touch “Near a City Center in XX*”.

2 Input the city center name.

3 Touch the screen button of the desired

3 Touch the screen button of the desired city center name.

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate-

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate- gory” screen will be displayed.


1 Touch “Near a City Center in XX*”.
2 Touch “Last 5 Cities”.

3 Touch the screen button of the desired

3 Touch the screen button of the desired city center name.

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate-

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate- gory” screen will be displayed.

*: XX represents the selected search area name.


1 Touch “Near a Destination”.
2 Touch the screen button of the desired destination.

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate-

●  The search point is set and the “POI Cate- gory” screen will be displayed.


When the search point is set, the “POI Category” screen will be displayed.

1 Touch the desired POI category.

●  If the desired POI category is not on the

●  If the desired POI category is not on the screen, touch “List All Categories” to list all POI categories.
●   If “Favorite POI Categories” is touched, a search can be performed using the 6 POIs that have been previously set. For more details.

2 Touch the desired POI category from the list.

3 Touch the screen button of the desired

3 Touch the screen button of the desired item.

●   When the desired item is selected, the

●   When the desired item is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be dis- played. If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destination” screen, the navigation system performs a search for the route.

SEARCH BY “Phone #”

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen.
3 Touch “Phone #” on the “Point of Inter- est” screen.
4 Input a phone number.

5 After inputting a phone number, touch

5 After inputting a phone number, touch “OK”.

●   When a phone number is input, the “Con- firm Destination” screen may be displayed.

If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destina- tion” screen, the navigation system per- forms a search for the route.
●    If there is more than one site with the same number, the following screen will be dis- played.

● To set an address book entry as a desti-

● To set an address book entry as a desti- nation using the phone number, the num- ber must already be registered with the address book entry.


● If there is no match for the phone number input, a list of identical numbers with dif- ferent area codes will be displayed.

SEARCH BY “eDestination”

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen.
3 Touch “eDestination” on the “Point of Interest” screen.

● With the eDestination feature, you can go online, via the owner’s Web site, to select and organize destinations of your choice and then wirelessly send them to your vehicle’s navigation system. You can store up to 200 locations online to access and update at any time. Your locations can be organized into up to 20 folders


DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Destination Assist”

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Destination Assist” on the “Destination” screen.

● Destination Assist provides you with live assistance for finding destinations via the Lexus Enform with Safety Connect response center. You can request either a specific business, address, or ask for help locating your desired destination by cate- gory, such as restaurants, gas stations, shopping centers or other points of interest (POI). After you tell the agent your choice of destination, its coordinates are sent wire- lessly to your vehicle’s navigation system.

1 Press the “DEST” button.

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Previous Destinations” on the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch the screen button of the desired destination.

● The previous starting point and up to 100

● The previous starting point and up to 100 previously set destinations are displayed on the screen.
“Delete”: Touch to delete the previous des- tination. ● When the desired destination is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Con- firm Destination” screen, the navigation system performs a search for the route.

● The list of previous destinations can also be deleted by touching “Delete Previous Dest.” on the “Navigation Settings” screen when the vehicle is stopped


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Address Book” on the “Destina- tion” screen.
3 Touch the screen button of the desired address book entry.

● A list of registered address book entries is

● A list of registered address book entries is displayed.

“Options”: Touch to register or edit address book entries.

● When the desired address book entry is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destination” screen, the naviga- tion system performs a search for the route.


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Emergency” on the second page of the “Destination” screen.

● The display changes to a screen to select police stations, dealers, hospitals or fire sta- tions.

3 Touch the desired emergency category.

● The selected emergency category is dis-

● The selected emergency category is dis- played.

4 Touch the screen button of the desired destination.

● When the desired destination entry is

● When the desired destination entry is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destination” screen, the naviga- tion system performs a search for the route.


● The navigation system does not guide in areas where route guidance is unavail- able.

● The emergency function can be used even while driving.

● While driving, only the currently dis- played items and the items on the next page can be viewed.

DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Intersection & Freeway”

There are 2 methods to search a desti- nation by Intersection & Freeway: (a) Search by intersection<.

(b) Search by freeway

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Intersection & Freeway” on the second page of the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch a screen button to select the de- sired method.

SEARCH BY “Intersection”

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Intersection & Freeway” on the second page of the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch “Intersection” on the “Intersec- tion & Freeway” screen.
4 Input the name of the first intersecting street which is located near the destina- tion to be set, and touch “OK”.

5 Touch the screen button of the desired

5 Touch the screen button of the desired item.

6 Input the name of the second intersect-

6 Input the name of the second intersect- ing street.

7 Touch the screen button of the desired

7 Touch the screen button of the desired item.

● When the desired item is selected, the

● When the desired item is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be dis- played. If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destination” screen, the navigation system performs a search for the route.


● If the same 2 streets cross at more than 1

● If the same 2 streets cross at more than 1 intersection, the screen changes and dis- plays the menu to select the city name where the streets intersect. Select the city, and the map location of the selected destination and the route preference.

SEARCH BY “Freeway Entrance / Exit”

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Intersection & Freeway” on the second page of the “Destination” screen.
3 Touch “Freeway Entrance / Exit” on the “Intersection & Freeway” screen.
4 Input a freeway name.

5 Touch the screen button of the desired

5 Touch the screen button of the desired freeway.

6 Select a freeway “Entrance” or “Exit”.

6 Select a freeway “Entrance” or “Exit”.

7 Input a freeway entrance or exit name,

7 Input a freeway entrance or exit name, and touch “OK”.

8 Touch the screen button of the desired

8 Touch the screen button of the desired entrance or exit name.

•When the desired entrance or exit is

When the desired entrance or exit is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destination” screen, the naviga- tion system performs a search for the route.


● Be sure to use the complete name of the freeway or highway, including the hyphen, when entering the destination.

Freeways and interstates use an “I” (I-405). US highways use the state desig- nation before the number (CA-118).


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Map” on the second page of the “Destination” screen.
3 Scroll the map to the desired point.

4 Touch “Go to ”.

4 Touch “Go to ”.

The navigation system performs a search for the route.

Guidance starts if “OK” is touched even while driving. However, the cursor cannot be moved.


1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Coordinates” on the second page of the “Destination” screen.
3 Input the latitude and the longitude.

4 After inputting the latitude and longi-

4 After inputting the latitude and longi- tude, touch “OK”.

When the desired screen button is selected, the “Confirm Destination” screen may be displayed. If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destination” screen, the naviga- tion system performs a search for the route.


A set destination can be deleted.

1 Press the “DEST” button.
2 Touch “Del.Dest.” on the “Destination” screen.

When more than 1 destination is set, a list will be displayed on the screen.

3 Touch the destination to be deleted.

“Delete All”: Touch to delete all destina-

“Delete All”: Touch to delete all destina- tions on the list.

4 Touch “Yes” to delete the destination(s).

• A message appears to confirm the

A message appears to confirm the request to delete.
  If “Yes” is touched, the data cannot be recovered. If more than 1 destination has been set, the system will recalculate the route(s) to the set destination(s) as neces- sary.
  If “No” is touched, the previous screen will be displayed.

  Set destinations can also be deleted by touching “Route”.


When “Map” is touched on the “Con- firm Destination” screen, the map screen will be displayed. The map loca- tion of the selected destination can be set as a destination.

1 Scroll the map to the desired point

“Adjust Location”: Touch to adjust the posi-

“Adjust Location”: Touch to adjust the posi- tion in smaller increment

• When an arrow facing the desired point

When an arrow facing the desired point is touched, the map scrolls in that direction.

When the screen button is released, the scrolling stops.

2 Touch “Go to ”.

The system starts route search and displays recommended routes.

If a destination has already been set, “Go to dis-” and “Add to Route” will be dis- played.

“Go to existing”: Touch to delete the existing destination(s) and set a new one.

“Add to Route”: Touch to add a destina- tion.

“Info”: If this screen button is displayed on the top of the screen, touch it to view items such as name, address, position and phone number.

3 To start guidance, touch “OK”.

•Guidance can be paused or resumed.

Guidance can be paused or resumed.

If “OK” is touched until a beep sounds, demo mode will start. Press the “MAP/ VOICE” button to end demo mode.


● Be sure to obey traffic regulations and keep road conditions in mind while driv- ing. If a traffic sign on the road has been changed, the route guidance may not indicate such changed information.


● The route for returning may not be the same as that for going.
● The route guidance to the destination may not be the shortest route nor a route without traffic congestion.
● Route guidance may not be available if there is no road data for the specified location.
● When setting the destination on a map with a scale larger than 0.5 miles (800 m), the map scale changes to 0.5 miles (800 m) automatically. If this occurs, set the destination again.
● If a destination that is not located on a road is set, the vehicle will be guided to the point on a road nearest to the destina- tion. The road nearest to the point selected is set as the destination.


1 Touch “3 Routes” to select the desired route from 3 routes.

2 Touch “Preferred”, “Alternate” or

2 Touch “Preferred”, “Alternate” or “Short” to select the desired route.



Conditions for the route to the destina- tion can be set again.

1 Touch “Edit Route”.

2 This screen is displayed.

2 This screen is displayed.



● Even if the “Freeways” indicator is dimmed, the route cannot avoid including a freeway in some cases.
● If the calculated route includes a trip by ferry, the route guidance shows a sea route. After you travel by ferry, the cur- rent position may be incorrect. Upon reception of GPS signals, it is automati- cally corrected.

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