XM NavWeather™

The subscription-based XM NavWeather™ service allows the navi- gation system to display weather infor- mation on the map screen.

The following operations can be per- formed: • Show XM NavWeather™ information: Weather forecast information is displayed on the map screen.

•Weather information: Weather informa- tion for the selected city is displayed. •Weather warnings: Weather warnings issued within a radius of approximately 15 miles (25 km) or 7.8 miles (12.5 km) around the vehicle are displayed on the warning screen.


1 Press the “INFO” button.

2 Touch “XM NavWeather”.

2 Touch “XM NavWeather”.

•The “XM NavWeather” screen is dis-

•The “XM NavWeather” screen is dis- played

XM NavWeather™ SCREEN

1 “Info.”

1 “Info.”
•When the city icon is touched, “Info.” is dis- played on the map screen. Touching this screen button displays the “Forecast” screen. (See page 163.) 2 City icon
•When this screen button is touched, city names and “Info.” are displayed on the upper part of the screen.

3 “Forecast”
•When this screen button is touched, the city selection screen is displayed.

• Touch a city to display weather informa-

• Touch a city to display weather informa- tion. Weather information of the selected city will be displayed.

4 “Current Location”
• When “Current Location” is touched, the current position is displayed.

5 Zoom in/out screen button
• The scale of the map can be changed.

Three zoom levels can be selected; 16 miles (26 km), 30 miles (48 km) and 60 miles (97 km).

6 Weather icons and grids •  Inclement weather information is displayed on the map using weather icons and grids.

Touching an icon shows the related infor- mation at the top of the screen.



􀁺When the specified day’s weather screen

􀁺When the specified day’s weather screen button is touched, weather information for a specified day is displayed.



Weather warnings issued within a radius of approximately 15 miles (25 km) or 7.8 miles (12.5 km) around the vehicle are displayed on the warning screen.

“Weather Map”: When this screen button is

“Weather Map”: When this screen button is touched, the “XM NavWeather” screen is displayed.

OK”: When this screen button is touched, the screen returns to the map of the current position.


•When an XM NavWeather™ warning is

When an XM NavWeather™ warning is issued within the vicinity, the XM NavWeathe

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